Thanks appreciate the insight - we'll give it a go.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 29, 2023 10:19 AM
From: KS9
Subject: Grafana Dashboard for Aruba Central Devices
We used a combination of REST and streaming API data from Central into a Grafana dashboard. We used a Python client that polled Central via REST APIs every 15 mins & also continuously received Streaming API data. We pushed all the data into a time series database like Prometheus. We then queried & displayed this data on a Grafana dashboard. We had all of this hosted on a VM on AWS. Here is an example of the Python script we used. We did make some enhancements to the script to query REST API calls & push data to Prometheus.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 28, 2023 01:46 PM
From: smelias
Subject: Grafana Dashboard for Aruba Central Devices
Has anyone had success using Granfana Dashboards in Azure for monitoring / reporting on Aruba Central devices using the APIs?
Any github examples?