I have a Let's Encrypt pem cert, and has uploaded it to ArubaOS 8 via WebUI, and that's all fine.
But as you know, certs of Let's Encrypt expiered every 3 months, so i'd prefer to update it in CLI(SSH).
But when i do this followed the https://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Controller-Based-WLANs/Generate-self-signed-certificate-with-OpenSSL/ta-p/275357
(Aruba7010) *[mm] #copy tftp: domain.com flash: domain.com.pem
Copying file:
Press 'q' to abort.
File copied successfully
(Aruba7010) *[mm] #crypto pki-import pem ServerCert "domain.com" "domain.com.pem"
Similar name certificate already exists on the same or different path. Upload with a different name.
I stucked here, and don't know how to do.
I've tried:
(Aruba7010) *[mm] #configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
(Aruba7010) *[mm] (config) #no crypto-local pki ServerCert domain.com
Error cert name domain.com not Present
But it won't work.
Could you please provide me a guide to overwrite the existed cert?