Hello "Expert Day" Online HPE Experts!
Have been keeping 5400 and 3500 series switches software up to date without any problems for years - including several BootROM updates - until just now.
Routinely applied K.16.02.0030 to Primary Software Image location on a HPE 5406zl and issued reboot command and the 5406 could not complete the reboot.
All communication was lost so connected serial console cable and reapplied mains power.
This is what appeared in PuTTY
ROM information:
Build directory: /ws/swbuildm/btmrom_t5b_qaoff/rom/build/btmrom(btmrom_t5b_qaoff)
Build date: Nov 12 2012
Build time: 13:42:32
Build version: K.15.30
Build number: 11194
Boot Profiles:
0. Monitor ROM Console
1. Primary Software Image [K.16.02.0030]
2. Secondary Software Image [K.16.02.0029]
Select profile (primary):
Booting Primary Software Image...
Uncompressed CRC does not match file CRC
File CRC 167fa419 Calculated f3ace05d
Bad code in FLASH
Flash memory needs reprogramming or chassis could be faulty.
Use a PC as the console and perform the update procedure
by serial Xmodem download of the current Switch Image.
If unsuccessful w/ downloading, then try replacing chassis.
HP ProCurve Switch 5406zl (J8697A)
ROM Build Directory: /ws/swbuildm/btmrom_t5b_qaoff/rom/build/btmrom(btmrom_t5b_qaoff)
ROM Version: K.15.30
ROM Build Date: 13:42:32 Nov 12 2012
ROM Build Number: 11194
Now if you select the Secondary Image the 5406 appears to boot up and seems to run OK.
However once up and running go back into the CLI running under K.16.02.0029 and try the "verify signature flash" command (see below) and you are told that "Signature is valid" for both primary and secondary flash locations BUT the BootROM disagrees and is saying.....
Booting Primary Software Image...
Uncompressed CRC does not match file CRC
File CRC 167fa419 Calculated f3ace05d
Bad code in FLASH
While the booted K.16.02.0029 firmware is contradicting the BootROM by saying the following in CLI
HP-Switch-5406zl# show flash
Image Size (bytes) Date Version
----------------- ------------ -------- --------------
Primary Image : 15740889 05/21/20 K.16.02.0030
Secondary Image : 15741591 04/15/20 K.16.02.0029
Boot ROM Version
Primary Boot ROM Version : K.15.30
Default Boot Image : Secondary
HP-Switch-5406zl# verify signature flash primary
Signature is valid
HP-Switch-5406zl# verify signature flash secondary
Signature is valid
HP-Switch-5406zl# show version
Image stamp:
Apr 15 2020 16:38:22
Boot Image: Secondary
Boot ROM Version: K.15.30
If you unplug the Ethernet switching modules and power on the switch you can then boot up into K.16.02.0030 and then hot plug the Ethernet switching modules back in and it all runs - but then fails on reboot.
So how to get out of this unexpected mess (ironically caused by a minor firmware upgrade) to regain the ability to update/upgrade Switch Firmware and also get back to a smooth unattended boot process - re if a mains power cut outlasts our uninterruptible power supply battery run time.