I've been trying to use version and previously version of the HP VAN SDN controller to add flows with matches for the ipv6_flabel (IPv6 flow label) and vlan_vid using the REST API. For both matches and for both versions of the SDN controller I have received 201 (Created) HTTP code responses back from the request much like I do with add flow requests with different matches. However, when I look at the list of flows for the switch the new flow has not been added. Below is the specific JSON I sent in the add flow POST request to the REST API:
{"flow": {"priority": 30000, "table_id": 102, "match": [{"eth_type": "ipv6"}, {"ipv6_flabel": "0x17"}], "instructions": [{"apply_actions": [{"output": "NORMAL"}]}, {"meter": 1}]}}
I also tried set the ipv6_flabel as a decimal number (i.e. 23 and a hex number without quotes i.e. 0x17) and both had the same outcome of getting a 201 (Created) response but this did not cause the flow to appear in the list of flows for the switch.
I have found when previously adding other types of flow, that if I used a different table ID, e.g. 101, the flow would not be added to the switch but for various other flows with matches for ip_proto, eth_type, ipv4_src, ipv4_dst, ipv6_src, ipv6_dst, and ip_dscp, I have no problems with the flows being added to the switch if I set the table ID to 102.
I am using an HP 2920-24G switch running 15.15.0006 firmware. I have noticed that version 15.16.0004 of the fimrware has now been released but the release notes do not make any reference to any issues like I have described.
I have also noticed that when I try to use the ip_dscp match with IPv6 (i.e. IPv6 traffic class) this seems to match any IPv6 traffic whatever the traffic class is and even if no traffic class is set. This is despite the flow successfully appearing on the switches list of flows and ip_dscp working as expected with IPv4 traffic. I have been using iperf3 to test this but I am pretty sure it is setting the traffic class properly when I inspect the packets using TCPDump.
If anyone has any advice on what I might be doing wrong or have any similar experiences it would be good to know because I don't know how to dig any deeper into what might be causing these issues.