HPE Bridge aggregation (BAGG) is method of combining multiple physical connection into one single virtual interface increase the throughput.
To Create Bridge aggregation (BAGG) following steps need to be considered
1.Create a Bridge aggregation interface , by default it takes static aggregation group
[5900]interface Bridge-Aggregation 10
[5900-Bridge-Aggregation10] link-aggregation mode dynamic
2. We need associate the interfaces which needed to be part of BAGG . Once you associated the physical interface, you need to make changes only on bridge aggregation interface
[5900]interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48
[5900-GigabitEthernet1/0/48]port link-aggregation group 10
[5900]interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49
[5900-GigabitEthernet1/0/49port link-aggregation group 10
3.Pass the vlan on BAGG interface
[5900]interface Bridge-Aggregation 10
[5900-Bridge-Aggregation10]port link-type trunk
[5900-Bridge-Aggregation10]port trunk permit vlan
To verify the BAGG / Link-aggregation,
===============display link-aggregation summary===============
Aggregation Interface Type:
BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-Aggregation
Aggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- Dynamic
Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing
Actor System ID: 0x8000, bdca-cha6-4d38
AGG AGG Partner ID Selected Unselected Individual Share
Interface Mode Ports Ports Ports Type
BAGG10 D 0x8000, bdca-cha6-23c1 2 0 0 Shar
===============display link-aggregation verbose===============
Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing
Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual
Flags: A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,
D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing, G -- Defaulted, H – Expired
Aggregate Interface: Bridge-Aggregation10
Aggregation Mode: Dynamic
Loadsharing Type: Shar
System ID: 0x8000, bdca-cha6-4d38
Port Status Priority Oper-Key Flag
XGE1/0/48 S 32768 2 {ACDEF}
XGE1/0/49 S 32768 2 {ACDEF}
Actor Partner Priority Oper-Key SystemID Flag
XGE1/0/48 68 32768 2 0x8000, bdca-cha6-23c1 {ACDEF}
XGE1/0/49 3 32768 2 0x8000, bdca-cha6-23c1 {ACDEF}
For successful bridge-aggregation the flags ACDEF must match with remote interface.