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  • 1.  HPE Comware - SNMP Query - Oid for total switchs in IRF pile

    Posted Aug 03, 2021 07:58 AM


    After some (unsuccessful) researches, is there an appropriate MIB/oid for queyring HPE 5130 Comware type switch in order to get the exact number of switchs in an IRF pile (1 to 9 max.)

    I've found an oid query for each switch in the IRF pile returning the switch S/N. This mean i've to iterate a script (loop) with condition, but getting high times to execute ...

    So is there an all-in-one oid query in order to get this information in onel lign code ?

    Thanks a lot, good day.


    OID for the first switch : , +1 on the last digit supposing next switch exists ...





  • 2.  RE: HPE Comware - SNMP Query - Oid for total switchs in IRF pile

    Posted Aug 03, 2021 08:06 AM

    Hi @Nicolas_CRB !

    What about this one:

    hh3cStackMemberNum OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX	Integer32
      MAX-ACCESS	read-only
      STATUS	current
      DESCRIPTION	"The number of members currently in a stack."
    ::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) hh3c(25506) hh3cCommon(2) hh3cStack(91) hh3cStackGlobalConfig(1) 2 }


  • 3.  RE: HPE Comware - SNMP Query - Oid for total switchs in IRF pile

    Posted Aug 03, 2021 09:07 AM

    Hi @Ivan_B,

    First of all, many thanks !!!

    It (almost) works ! returns nothing but a 'walk' from here get me to, which gives me the solution.

    Maybe something due to my MIB browser or loaded mibs at this point ...

    Never the less, you've saved my life today Thanks again.