Network Management

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  • 1.  HPE iMC 7.3 (E0705P12) Warning Alarms after module disabled

    Posted Sep 03, 2021 02:39 AM

    Hello Everyone,

    My iMC Platform 7.3 is running on RHEL 7 and local MySQL 8.0.6.

    I got multiple Warning alarms relating to the Wireless Manager module which has been disabled recently. 

    System proccess "imcwipsdm" in NMS server( Core down.
    System proccess "imcwlandm" in NMS server( Core down.
    System proccess "imcwlanperfdm" in NMS server( Core down.

    Is this a bug? Please advise!


  • 2.  RE: HPE iMC 7.3 (E0705P12) Warning Alarms after module disabled

    Posted Sep 03, 2021 03:46 AM


    Can you clarify how you have 'disabled' the components? Alarms about the processes themselves being down are completely normal if the WSM Module itself is actually still deployed. If you don't plan to use WSM components, you can always remove them from IMC via right-click in the DMA Deploy tab and selecting 'Undeploy'. Once they are undeployed, you should no longer get any warning about process down, and can use the same menu to 'Remove' them from the list entirely.

  • 3.  RE: HPE iMC 7.3 (E0705P12) Warning Alarms after module disabled

    Posted Sep 03, 2021 11:53 PM

    Thank you for your advice, Justin!

    I discovered its root cause. I undeployed WSM without sudo command and it could not remove 3 processes: "imcwipsdm", "imcwlandm", "imcwlanperfdm". Therefore, I had to run with root privilege, deploy & undeploy WSM, problem is solved.