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  • 1.  HPE Switch- SSH Vulnerabilities

    Posted Mar 31, 2021 02:20 AM

    Customer may see following Plugin name or Vulnerabilities on their security assessment report. Below table is example one, but the plugin name will be same for all customer

    Plugin Name

    SSH Server CBC Mode Ciphers Enabled  

    Plugin Output:  The following client-to-server Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) algorithms are supported :     3des-cbc   aes128-cbc   aes256-cbc   des-cbc  The following server-to-client Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) algorithms are supported :     3des-cbc   aes128-cbc   aes256-cbc   des-cbc

    SSH Weak MAC Algorithms Enabled

    The following client-to-server Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms are supported :     hmac-md5   hmac-md5-96   hmac-sha1-96  The following server-to-client Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms are supported :     hmac-md5   hmac-md5-96   hmac-sha1-96

    For ssh, there is no way to disable the CBC cipher. However the client can use SSH2 to communicate with the switch and choose the cipher as below for better security.

    The below example will be applicable only for Com7 models . On COM5 router , where we don’t have SSH2 support . Due to this we cannot select the cipher suite to disable the weak MAC algorithm and CBC Ciphers. This is the limitations on this device  and we don’t  have option to fix this vulnerabilities. 


     [5940-133-32]ssh2 algorithm cipher ?

      3des-cbc    3DES-CBC

      aes128-cbc  AES128-CBC

      aes128-ctr  AES128-CTR

      aes128-gcm  AES128_GCM

      aes192-ctr  AES192-CTR

      aes256-cbc  AES256-CBC

      aes256-ctr  AES256-CTR

      aes256-gcm  AES256_GCM

      des-cbc     DES-CBC


    Config Example for SSH:


    ssh server enable

    undo ssh server compatible-ssh1x enable

    ssh2 algorithm cipher aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr aes128-gcm aes256-gcm

    ssh2 algorithm mac sha1 sha2-256 sha2-512



  • 2.  RE: HPE Switch- SSH Vulnerabilities

    Posted Apr 05, 2021 06:02 AM

    Hello @jmpk ,

    Thank you for sharing this informative post on the SSH Vulnerabilities  HPE Switch.

    I m sure our customers would use this information for their understanding.



    Ramya H

  • 3.  RE: HPE Switch- SSH Vulnerabilities

    Posted Apr 06, 2021 11:43 AM

    Hi, I don't it a recognized security vulnerability (recognized = there is a specific HPE/Aruba Security Bullettin about it or is cited on an already published HPE/Aruba Security Bullettin) or what? If so - if it is a recognized security vulenerability - what HPE/Aruba Security Bullettin should we read to understand workarounds and affected switch series/versions, if any?

  • 4.  RE: HPE Switch- SSH Vulnerabilities

    Posted Apr 16, 2021 02:18 AM

    Do we need to re-create the account when we enable SSH2?