Hello to all of you
We are now facing problems in one of out customer , the problem is there are two controller in two location one in cairo and other in ismallia they are connected over GRE tunnel ,connection is up , there are two ssid is ismaillia guest and DOWO10 wthich is PSK SSID
the captive portal in guest network are run correctlly and user can authenticate , also DOWO10 SSID user can connect to it , DOWO10 and GUest network are in the same vlan 198 and gitting ip address from DHCP server which is located in cairo controller , guest network configuratioon also in cairo controller , the problem is after successuful authentication the user cannot able to browse any web site through the browser , they able to resolve DNS using nslookup command , they try to write ip address in browser insteade of URL but the same prblem exist any help please , i will be very gratful for your help
Thanks to all of you inadvance