Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Nov 13, 2015 06:32 PM

    Has anyone experienced issues with firmware not applying? I've just tried to update some IAP 205s in several remote sites using the automatic update and whilst they all say the upgrade succeeded when they reboot and I log back on they are still running the old firmware.


    We were upgrading from to


    I'm wondering if the firmware download may have timed out so want valid hence why it wasnt applied although I would think that would result in a failed update message.


    I also have one set of APs at one site that seem to have lost the admin password after they rebooted. It was obviously working when we initiated the upgrade but now I don't know what it has been reset to. I'm not even sure if the configuration is still intact but it seems to be as the APs still have the IP addresses assigned. Such a pain - will probaby have to go out to site and recover or reset the APs.


  • 2.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Nov 14, 2015 09:41 AM
    are you upgrading using the cloud or manually uploading the firmware?

    what do the logs say?

  • 3.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Sep 17, 2018 01:59 AM

    Hi, I have a cluster of IAP-205 running on version, can i upgrade this directly to, we have experiencing high CPU utilization of some IAP-205 even it has least client connected to it. hope you answer my query. 

  • 4.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Jun 23, 2016 01:21 AM

    Hi Tymbow


    I had same issue, iAPs 105 has no problem upgrading.

    My scenario is similar to yours upgrading the iAP 205. I did a manual upgrade with no reboot option in the web GUI.

    After the upgrade said succesfull, I left the APs untill late evening to reboot.

    Rebooted and only 1 was back into the VC/Cluster. The problem was that it still booted into the old image...


    So eventually I had to ssh into each iAP205 (Some with local user admin and some with my Radius account), I confirmed that the upgrade image was in the backup partition with the cmd "show image" and verify the image it was booted in with "show version".


    All the AP's booted into the primary pation, but the old image was on the primary partition, the new image was infact on the APs, but in the backup partition.


    "show image" output:


    Primary Partition Build Time :2015-05-12 10:27:51 PDT
    Primary Partition Build Version :

    Backup Partition Build Time :2016-05-29 23:07:01 PDT
    Backup Partition Build Version :

    AP Images Classes


    ssh back into all the AP's and then I did the "switch-partition-reboot" cmd on all the AP's at the same time and after this  they all come back on with the new image in the primary partition.


    verify commands:

    "show version" and "show image"


    Hope this helps. as a side note, one AP took about 10min to show up in the GUI cluster.


  • 5.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Apr 13, 2021 11:35 AM
    Just ran into this same issue today while upgrading an IA-205 cluster to 

    The method that Ruaan mentions works - we had to log into each IAP and issue the switch-partition-reboot command at the same time , afterwards all of them came up on the upgraded version.

    Jeffrey Patterson

  • 6.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 12:58 PM
    Edited by Greg_W Apr 21, 2021 11:04 AM

    It will download the firmware and push it to all AP's at once from the master AP. The upgrade now button on the maintenance screen will pull the latest "stable" firmware that is usually a version or two older than the most recent. It will also pull multiple images if you have a cluster of more than one model AP (200 series mixed with 300 series, for example). If you have a cluster like this, the master AP will always be the newest+highest end model in the cluster. jiofi.local.html

    Carlton Flores

  • 7.  RE: IAP 205 Firmware Upgrade Not Applying

    Posted Mar 11, 2022 09:37 AM
    Edited by Greg_W Mar 15, 2022 10:35 AM
    You can upgrade a n IAP by using the automatic image check feature. The Automatic image checks are performed once after the AP boots up and every week thereafter. vidmate app download insta save

    Carlton flores