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IMC 7.2 released

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  • 1.  IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 01, 2015 10:32 PM

    FYI, IMC 7.2 has been released.

    Download here:

    This can be installed on a new system, or you can upgrade existing 7.1 systems. 

    Lots of new features & bug fixes.

  • 2.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 02, 2015 02:06 PM

    I'm thinking of building a fresh install. I suspect my current install has some issues from too many updates...

    Is there an easy way to migrate the db forward after its built? - Update: release notes say no

               So maybe build up fresh 7.1 install, import DB then update to 7.2?

    How about the licenses?


  • 3.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 02, 2015 04:22 PM

    Hmm, gets a bit tricky trying to import DBs, and while you might clean up a few issues, you'll probably bring a few across with the DB.

    I tend to think that the best way to do this sort of cleanup/migration is to minimise the amount of data that you pull across. That might mean just dumping a list of devices, importing those into a new system, and manually setting up the groups, etc.


    Maybe you could install a new instance, and run both in parallel for a short time while you manually migrate settings? 

    You'll probably need to get your licenses migrated, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem if you've got active support.

  • 4.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 02, 2015 04:55 PM

    Yes, and that would allow testing the new version along side, which is a good thing.. UAM is my critical function and that's not out as 7.2 yet, but needs to be proven first. Yes I do have support.

    But it's still a lot of configuring to re-do unfortunately as I've done a fair amount of stuff with imc, in trying out all the features. 


  • 5.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 02, 2015 09:07 PM

    Bit of a tricky one, trying to balance migration effort vs possible cleanups.

    I guess UAM 7.2 won't be too far away. Looks like iNode 7.2 is already released, and some of the other modules are starting to come through (e.g. NTA)

  • 6.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 04, 2015 02:25 PM

    Well I set up my test vm for this and can't install it - I think the install script has an error somewhere. I get this error:

    Begin to install database and data...
    Begin to create config_db foreground tables and data...
    Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'imc_config'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    Installing on Win 2012r2 with MySQL 5.6 - it creates the DB table and the user but then tries another operation with that user and fails so I think someone mistyped the pw in the script.

    I've put a call into techsupport for another issue, but still waiting on call back from that one.

    BTW - any thoughts on mySQL vs embededed SQL server xpress for smaller installations (<1000 nodes is their criteria)? 

  • 7.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 04, 2015 04:34 PM

    @NeilR wrote:

    Well I set up my test vm for this and can't install it - I think the install script has an error somewhere. I get this error:

    Begin to install database and data...
    Begin to create config_db foreground tables and data...
    Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'imc_config'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    Installing on Win 2012r2 with MySQL 5.6 - it creates the DB table and the user but then tries another operation with that user and fails so I think someone mistyped the pw in the script.

    I've put a call into techsupport for another issue, but still waiting on call back from that one.

    BTW - any thoughts on mySQL vs embededed SQL server xpress for smaller installations (<1000 nodes is their criteria)? 

    I seem to recall having some problems along those lines on a Linux/MySQL install when I didn't have the MySQL authentication setup quite right. It was a while ago, but I think the issue was related to having not explicitly configured MySQL to allow a password when connecting to a DB on the same host.

    Regards SQL Express, I wouldn't use it for more than ~100 nodes. Definitely not 1000 nodes. I'd prefer to use full SQL Server or MySQL. I haven't tried using MySQL on Windows though, I've only used it on Linux. It *should* be OK on Windows.

  • 8.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 07, 2015 03:23 PM

    Currently using mySQl for imc and some other aplications and don't have any issues w it on Win. I thought I saw HP claiming the SQL server express would support up to 1000 nodes which strcuk me as optimistic.

    The install of MySql 5.6 is more painful than 5.5 at least when it comes to being specific about where you want your files - its trying to be too 'packaged'.

    I did configure the root pw and imc prompted for it upon installation, and the fact that it creates the table and user indicates it can do so correctly  But I did also try installing with no root password, as well as the pw used as an example in the docs - sometimes those creep into the scripts - no luck.

    The UAM docs were not posted as of last Thursday  - i will check again

  • 9.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 10, 2015 07:07 PM
    @NeilR wrote:

    I did configure the root pw and imc prompted for it upon installation, and the fact that it creates the table and user indicates it can do so correctly  But I did also try installing with no root password, as well as the pw used as an example in the docs - sometimes those creep into the scripts - no luck.

    Like I said, I can't quite remember the specifics, but I have seen something similar, and I believe it was related to MySQL authentication setup. Looking through my Ansible playbooks for IMC MySQL setup, I've got these lines: 

    - name: Ensure MySQL root@localhost has password
      mysql_user: name={{ dbuser }} password={{ dbpassword }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT host='localhost' state=present check_implicit_admin=yes
    - name: Set MySQL root password for other hosts
      mysql_user: name={{ dbuser }} password={{ dbpassword }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT state=present check_implicit_admin=yes
    - name: Deletes anonymous MySQL server user for ansible_fqdn
      mysql_user: user="" host="{{ ansible_nodename }}" state="absent" check_implicit_admin=yes
    - name: Deletes anonymous MySQL server user for localhost
      mysql_user: user="" host="localhost" state="absent" check_implicit_admin=yes

    Key bits are that MySQL has a root password even for local access, and that there are no anonymous users.

    On a Linux box you can capture network traffic on the loopback, so you can look at the exact commands IMC is passing to MySQL. Don't think that's possible with Windows though.

  • 10.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 14, 2015 05:21 PM

    Never heard back from tech support. And I've had some other application distractions, so this may not move forward until next year.

    Question - my log show failure of user 'imc_config'@'localhost' - do you think the script is assigning the root password for this user or some other specific password for that user?

    Its successfuly using the root account because it creates the user, and the tables. If I knew what password it was going to assign I could modify the user at the console.

    I reviewed the UAM notes - not a major release, but 1 nice feature at least - redundanct domain controllers for mschap authentication.

  • 11.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 14, 2015 05:43 PM

    @NeilR wrote:

    Question - my log show failure of user 'imc_config'@'localhost' - do you think the script is assigning the root password for this user or some other specific password for that user?

    Its successfuly using the root account because it creates the user, and the tables. If I knew what password it was going to assign I could modify the user at the console.

    At install time iMC creates semi-random passwords for each individual user.

    You can see what they are using with, e.g.:

    [root@imc deploy]# ./ -query config_db imc_config
    Password: iMC7_7NQEh4xClR
    [root@imc deploy]# .

    Can you give us the output of "select User,Host from mysql.user" ?

  • 12.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 15, 2015 07:05 PM

    OK, I can re-create your error message by changing my Ansible playbook to leave the MySQL anonymous users in there. You have to make sure you remove those users.

    If you don't, then at the end of a failed install you'll have something like this in mysql.user:

    mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
    | user       | host            |
    | imc_config | %               |
    | root       |       |
    | root       | ::1             |
    |            | imc.localdomain |
    | root       | imc.localdomain |
    |            | localhost       |
    | root       | localhost       |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    The problem comes from the way MySQL does username/host matching. It looks for most specific hostname match first, then usernames. So if you login as "imc_config"@localhost", then it will look through the host=localhost matches. 'root' doesn't match, but anonymous (the empty username string above) *does* match. So it now tries to match imc@config@localhost against ""@localhost. That account doesn't have permissions to the imc_config DB.

    If you remove the anonymous local account, it will then fall back to the wildcard host '%'. It will match imc_config@"%" against your imc_config@localhost login. That will match the passwords + privileges you need.

    See here:,637583,637683#msg-637683 and here: for more info on what's going on.


  • 13.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 15, 2015 07:57 PM

    imc_config %
    root          %
    root          ::1
    root          localhost

    THere was also anonymous % that for some reason was not on that list.

    i have deleted anonymous at localhost and anonymous % - now its installing - Thanks!!

    BTW the mySQL 5.6 installer gives so little control over the install - I'd recommend sticking w 5.5 - at least on WIndows....I suspect it would have gone easier.


  • 14.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

  • 15.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 11, 2016 12:27 AM

    when is UAM 7.2 going to be released? any idea from anyone?

  • 16.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 12, 2016 06:56 PM

    I just got it up and running at home and, let me tell you. This new desktop option is amazing!

  • 17.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 12, 2016 07:26 PM

    Yes very cool for Multi-Tasking and for setting up more simplified customizable views with just the stuff you use regularly.

    I still use the main interface for the most part, but there is benefit to this development there as well.  Their is a new "Quick Service Process" widget available on the home screen.  You can add the same buttons/functions as you have in the desktop interface.  It will pop an overlay over the main imc interface with that process window.  Handy for doing those quick tasks without having to browse away from the home page.


  • 18.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 14, 2016 01:02 PM

    UAM 7.2 E0403 available for download now:

    They were originally planning on releasing E0402. There's a couple of fixes & a new config option in E0403. Presumably those were related to the delay.

  • 19.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 14, 2016 06:41 PM

    I have just updated to v7.2 E0403. Or at least I TRIED. 

    Instruction need to be re-written because they are useless. 

    1) backup IMC ion Environment (ok)

    2) Manually copy the IMC Install Dir to a backup (No, you cannot do this it fails. STOP the IMC first and try again maybe. NOPE again FAILS becasue SQL is still holding onto files. FAIL FAIL FAIL.)

    Seriously, IF you cannot provide proper upgrade instructions for your own product.......Geesh.

    I could NOT manully backup the directory as per instructions.

    Do I shut down SQLSERVER, SQL Agent etc?? 




  • 20.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Jan 14, 2016 07:35 PM

    @Howiedoit wrote:

    I have just updated to v7.2 E0403. Or at least I TRIED. 

    Instruction need to be re-written because they are useless. 

    1) backup IMC ion Environment (ok)

    2) Manually copy the IMC Install Dir to a backup (No, you cannot do this it fails. STOP the IMC first and try again maybe. NOPE again FAILS becasue SQL is still holding onto files. FAIL FAIL FAIL.)

    Seriously, IF you cannot provide proper upgrade instructions for your own product.......Geesh.

    I could NOT manully backup the directory as per instructions.

    Do I shut down SQLSERVER, SQL Agent etc?? 




    Which directory are you trying to take a backup of? I would not expect SQL to hold IMC application files open. I would only expect SQL to hold SQL-related files open.

    Step 3 is to stop IMC. If you are having problems with files locked, you could do that step before copying directories. 

    You should not shut down SQL - it will need to be running when the install + upgrade takes place.

  • 21.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

  • 22.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 04, 2015 03:37 PM

    Thanks for the good news!

  • 23.  RE: IMC 7.2 released

    Posted Dec 04, 2015 04:25 PM

    @JasonL1 wrote:

    Thanks for the good news!

    Just handed it off to tech support. Will keep you posted - at least its got an early start...