Me too, waiting to see the next Patch or Hot-Fix (whatever it is released first) to apply to current E0710P03 to solve these issues.
I don't know why a workaround (I recall I've read about it here in the forum, it was made privately available once a user opened a Support Ticket, if I'm not mistaken) wasn't made public here, at least to calm down those users impacted (just to avoid opening a ticket to receive a workaround).
Original Message:
Sent: 5/29/2024 5:10:00 PM
From: daniel majela
Subject: RE: iMC E0710P03 - Remediating Compliance - SSH Connection Termination
I tried to downgrade but I couldn't. I have a problem that I cannot backup equipment with vxlan 5940 HP. As I have some VRF's I believe that the backup script should be done with "vpn-instance command". I also couldn't run the templates because the "ssh connection close error" appears.

Original Message:
Sent: Apr 17, 2024 06:43 AM
From: Patrick Becker
Subject: iMC E0710P03 - Remediating Compliance - SSH Connection Termination
Hi All and HP Support,
I have the same problem. I will test to roll back to "H02" and test if it will work again.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 21, 2024 06:34 PM
From: snovak_uwsp
Subject: iMC E0710P03 - Remediating Compliance - SSH Connection Termination
Hey all,
Recently upgraded to E0710P03 (upgraded from E0708P03 -> E0710 -> E0170P03) and now when I attempt to remediate, or even 'display command' against my gear the SSH connections are terminating and I've run out of ideas for how to debug. Specifically the output of a task is:
<Command> configure terminal<Error> SSH connection closed<Response Prompt>
Authentication appears to be working, and I'm able to utilizing the same account from the same server using plink and putty without these terminations.
Any guidance would be appreciated; I noticed a similar error being fixed in H02 ( CMS case 0929111: Error by Job Connections with SSH: "SSH Connection closed".) and am wondering if skipping over this hotfix release is biting me in the rear.