I recently upgraded from 7.1 to 7.3. Since the upgrade whenever trying to run any report, it errors with "Parameter lost or wrong where executing.!"
For example, running the "Capacity Report V2" in the imcforeground.log file, the report execution is failing with the error: "Error on report execution
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at: /reports/en/iMC-PLAT/capacity.jasper."
Looking in the \Program Files\iMC\client\web\apps\imc\reports\en\iMC-PLAT\ directory, there are no .jasper files. However in the \...\reportsV2\...\ directory, there are .jasper files in there.
Is the code wrong, or is there a way change where reports look for the jasper files? Or what might my options be without a support contract?