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MC-VA license required although no MC-VA is active

This thread has been viewed 9 times
  • 1.  MC-VA license required although no MC-VA is active

    Posted Jan 17, 2019 07:02 PM


    I can't activate access points because it seems a MC-VA license is required. I used to have a virtual MC, but it is not running and I deleted it from the Managed Network. 

    Now, the evaluation licences expired and I can't activate my APs. How can I disable the MC-VA FeatureBit or how can I see what is using this license?



    #show ap license-usage 
    AP Licenses
    Type                      Number
    ----                      ------
    AP Licenses               18
    MM Licenses               47
    MC-VA Licenses            0
    Controller License        True
    Overall AP License Limit  0


    #show license server-table
    License Server Table for pool / profile root
    Service Type                                        PoolSize  ExpiredLic  ActualPoolSize  UsedLic  RemainingLic  Warnings               FeatureBit
    ------------                                        --------  ----------  --------------  -------  ------------  --------               ----------
    Access Points                                       2068      2048        20              4        16            Some licenses expired  enabled
    Next Generation Policy Enforcement Firewall Module  0         0           0               0        0             None                   disabled
    RF Protect                                          0         0           0               0        0             None                   disabled
    Advanced Cryptography                               0         0           0               0        0             None                   disabled
    WebCC                                               0         0           0               0        0             None                   disabled
    MM-VA                                               100       50          50              5        45            Some licenses expired  enabled
    MC-VA-RW                                            0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled
    MC-VA-EG                                            0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled
    MC-VA-IL                                            0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled
    MC-VA-JP                                            0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled
    MC-VA-US                                            0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled
    VIA                                                 0         0           0               0        0             None                   enabled

  • 2.  RE: MC-VA license required although no MC-VA is active

    Posted Jan 21, 2019 06:13 AM

    Are you running with a Mobility Master? If so, please check the 'show license-usage' (without the ap) to see where the licenses are needed.


    A physical controller should not consume any MC-VA licenses. You might try to delete the expired licenses to see if that fixes your issue.


    For license issues that you can't quickly fix yourself you can contact Aruba TAC and in my experience they will help you to find the issue and a solution.