Ahhhh that query looks familiar! Glad you got it sorted. We are just upgrading to 8.3.0, needless to say a TAC case was involved ;) (Mostly complete now so no real complaints!)
Original Message:
Sent: May 22, 2023 07:34 AM
From: n.millward
Subject: new controller on Airwave no client/usage data
Hello Guy,
Thanks for your reply. I drove myself nuts with the SNMP and CLI creds - test, deliberately break, re-test, fix - until I was sure that wasn't the problem.
Turns out the problem is something in AW, and it did need TAC help (most frustrating TAC call I've ever had!) with all 3 of our AW servers.
airwave=> update seas_config set use_amon_for_thin_ap_status = 0;
airwave=> \q
root@net-aw3 CentOS7 /var/airwave/home/awsupport # rd
AP devices that were being 'discovered' no longer appear where they shouldn't appear.
All the best.
Original Message:
Sent: May 22, 2023 07:18 AM
From: cauliflower
Subject: new controller on Airwave no client/usage data
Hello Nathan,
I think AW has been tightened up a bit so there is less available under the hood for normal users. I guess you'll need TAC if you need to do anything fancy involving the CLI.
Things I remember needing to check (and being caught out by!) -
Check and recheck SNMP and CLI credentials
Make sure you have a papi-security profile on the controllers and are using the correct key in AW (AMP Setup -> General -> Additional AMP Services)
Make sure "snmp-server user...", "snmp-server host...", "mgmt-server..." and the mgmt server profile are correctly configured on controllers
Check FW isn't getting in the way!
Original Message:
Sent: May 09, 2023 07:30 AM
From: n.millward
Subject: new controller on Airwave no client/usage data
Hello, looks like we've hit this issue, and I'm struggling to get it sorted. How did you view the debug log once generated, I'm prevented from viewing the amp_diag directory. The vi amon command yields a response that tells me the command 'is not allowed.' Very frustrating. Did vi amon work for you?
(My new query is here https://community.arubanetworks.com/discussion/airwave-not-reporting-traffic)
I manually added the controllers for which I've got no client or usage data reaching AW, so it shouldn't be a discovery issue. And manually changing (to deliberately wrong) and changing back the controller IP doesn't jog anything into action.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 21, 2016 04:41 AM
From: cauliflower
Subject: new controller on Airwave no client/usage data
It turned out that we had seen something like this before, it's probably fixed in later versions of AOS, but I'll note it here in case anyone else comes up against it. The PAPI messages were not being processed by Airwave, this is because the IP address the controller uses to send them is different to the address Airwave is expecting (must be something to do with the address found during the discovery process I guess). So we manually changed the address for the controller by going to 'Manage'.
We found the problem by turning on raw debugging and looking in the Airwave logs which are located in:
See all logging options:
qlog list
Turn on raw debugging:
qlog enable amon_dump_raw
Disable debugging:
qlog disable all