I want to connect a 8360 VSX pair to an existing upstream campus routing 5412R switch.
For now I just want the 8360 pair to be an non-routing layer 2 aggergate switch for a bunch of downstream 6300cx equipped IDFs in a new campus building. This is my first VSX venture with CX switches, prior to this I have been slowly rolling out new individual 6300m stacks as replacements for my existing 2930M and 2930F campus infrastructure around campus.
My question is: How should I configure the Trk port on the upstream routing 5412R when I want to use a Lag Multi-chassis link on the 8360 side? With LACP Mode Activated on the 8360 side, how should the receiving Trk be configured on the 5412R? ( Pics Included ) What type of Trk should it be configured as? I have been having traffic issues traversing the 8360 vsx pair in both directions and have been unsuccessful so far in seeing downstream devices from the existing upstream core.
I can setup a 8360v2 vsx pair as a plain old non-routing "layer 2 only" switch right? Without having to setup active-gateway on every vlan with virtual L3 ip addresses?
Not really interested in redesigning my entire campus network right now into a two tier collapsed core two weeks before the start of classes just to get a new building online
Here are my current 5412R trk settings: Set as a LACP Trk type the switch does not allow you to manually enable LACP status. Is this right? Should it be set back to Trunk?
Haven't really found anything online that references a slow bleed network technology transition such as mine moving from a AOS to AOS-cx network.