Firmwarefiles for 1810 can be found here =>;search=1810
1810 V1 is HP Part No. J9449A (-8G) and J9450A (-24G)
1810 V2 is HP Part No. J9802A (-8G) and J9803A (-24G)
latest firmware for V1 is P.2.24
latest firmware for V2 is PL/PM.2.10
Info from Release Note V1:
Version P.2.1 was the initial release of Major version P.2 software. P.2.1 software was built from the samesource as P.1.6. P.2.1 includes all enhancements and fixes in P.1.6 software, plus the additionalenhancements and fixes in the P.2.1 enhancements and fixes section of this release note.
Software: P.1.20 (for initial update to P.2.x only) (Other) Select another software release
P.1.20 (for initial update to P.2.x only)
Before updating an 1810G switch to software version P.2.x, the switch must first be updated to software version P.1.20.
Recommended Procedure:
First update to P.1.20 on Image1, activate Image1, and boot into P.1.20.
Then update to P.2.x on Image2, activate Image2, and boot into P.2.x.
After the switch is booted with P.2.x in Image2, P.2.x software versions can be loaded onto either Image1 or Image2.
Please see the Release Notes from the P.2.x software you wish to load, for detailed instructions.
Supported products:
J9449A HP 1810-8G SWITCH
J9450A HP 1810-24G SWITCH
Info from Release Note V2:
Version PL/PM.2.01 was the initial build of major version PL/PM.2. PL/PM.2.01 includes allenhancements and fixes in the PL/PM.1.09 software, plus the additional enhancements and fixes in thePL/PM.2.01 enhancements and fixes sections of this release note.
hope this help
Original Message:
Sent: May 04, 2023 05:01 AM
From: stretch
Subject: Procurve 1810-8G firmware
My 1810-8G is running P.1.6 i've searched in vain for firmware update files but to no avail does anyone have a link to them? Also how do i tell the difference between V1 and V2 of this switch?