Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  PXE boot on 5412xl

    Posted Mar 27, 2014 11:08 AM

    I have a bunch of lenovo twists that I am trying to image using WDS, the problem is if I try to pxe boot off of a port that is connected to my 5412 I will not autonegate at 1000 and I will have to set the port to use 100fd. Now on the hp 2920 that are in the IDF closets I dont have that issue. Any ideas on why that happens only on the 5412? 


  • 2.  RE: PXE boot on 5412xl

    Posted Apr 02, 2014 04:42 AM
    Maybe the time it takes spanning tree to work out what is connected defeats the auto-negotiation.

    Try this:
    spanning-tree B14 admin-edge-port