We have been noticing strange behavior from one of our AP577 in which it's changing channels quite frequently. Here are some recent outputs:
#show ap arm history ap-name sjc51-apo-eng2-2
Interface :wifi0
Phy-Type :5GHz
ARM History
Time of Change Old Channel New Channel Old Power New Power Reason Result
-------------- ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ------ ------
2023-10-12 22:50:00 128+ 108+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-12 09:30:36 52+ 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-11 20:58:15 128+ 52+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-11 11:52:42 64- 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-10 23:28:45 128- 64- 18 18 R -
2023-10-10 23:26:28 108+ 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-10 20:54:58 120+ 108+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-10 11:08:53 128- 120- 18 18 R -
2023-10-10 11:08:20 149+ 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-09 22:41:49 128+ 149+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-09 08:47:55 120- 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-08 20:23:06 128- 120- 18 18 R -
2023-10-08 20:20:37 149+ 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-08 07:55:24 128+ 149+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-08 07:52:14 120- 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-07 19:28:54 128- 120- 18 18 R -
2023-10-07 19:28:47 64- 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-07 07:07:52 128- 64- 18 18 R -
2023-10-07 06:51:12 161- 128- 18 18 C -
2023-10-07 06:19:15 128- 161- 18 18 R -
2023-10-01 22:41:06 108+ 64- 18 18 C -
2023-10-01 11:19:03 128+ 108+ 18 18 R -
2023-10-01 10:22:58 64- 128- 18 18 R -
2023-09-30 07:18:59 149+ 64- 18 18 C -
2023-09-29 18:54:56 64+ 149+ 18 18 R -
2023-09-29 17:58:37 116+ 64- 18 18 C -
2023-09-29 17:27:02 64+ 116+ 18 18 R -
2023-09-12 04:25:37 116- 128- 18 18 R -
2023-09-07 08:18:58 0 116+ 0 18 Random -
I: Interference, R: Radar detection, N: Noise exceeded, Q: Bad Channel Quality E: Error threshold exceeded, INV: Invalid Channel, G: Rogue AP Containment, M: Empty Channel, P+: Increase Power, P-: Decrease Power, 40INT: 40MHZ intol detected on 2.4G, NO40INT: 40MHz intol cleared on 2.4G, OFF(R): Turn off Radio due to Radar, OFF(MA): Turn off Radio due to Mode Aware, ON: Turn on Radio, D: Dynamic Bandwidth Switch, AIRMATCH: AirMatch Event, I*: CCA Interference, C: Radar cleared, NC: Noise Cleared, Random: Random Channel, RMC: Radio Mode Change, RCP: Radio Client Preference Change, OFF(C) : Turn off Radio due to config, U: UTB
Client Aware is enabled by default. CSA (Channel Switch Announcement) is also enabled. The strange thing is, users were reporting disconnects during the time of channel changes. However, client aware is enabled and should prevent such channel changes but that is not the case.
Does anyone have any ideas on what the cause is besides possibly being a faulty AP?