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Selective clearpass cluster node upgrades

This thread has been viewed 2 times
  • 1.  Selective clearpass cluster node upgrades

    Posted Jan 11, 2018 03:28 AM

    Just using the GUI based upgrade tool for the 1st time on a small 2 node cluster. Looks good but 1 question. 1st some background 


    The last time I tried tyo use  the GUI (a long long time ago) I had major issues but luckily I could revert back to FreeRadius as our authentication service and sort out the cluster upgrde manually. I don't have that luxury now as all of our services are reliant on clearpass so whatever upgrade method I do has to work.


    For 6.5 to 6.6 the sure fire way to do an upgrade is to do each server manually. Start with the publisher (and reboot) then work your way through the cluster members individually. This way I was doing 1 server per working day (ish) so at the end of the week the cluster would be upgraded.


    I notice when performing a gui upgrade you can se3lect which servers to upgrade.Possibly a silly question, but does tht mean I can start by upgrading a publisher and a salve 1 time and go back into the upgrade tool at a later date and select another number to upgrade?


    Finally, having read the release notes and started the upgrade I then went to the clearpass help pages where I found a big red banner saying "check that your cluster password doesn't have the following characters in it ....."


    Perhaps it would be a good idea to have that in the release notes :-)



