Hi all,
I'm trying to connect a Comware v7 device to MS-Azure using the router based Site to Site VPN solution based on the Cisco ASR example configuration supplied by Microsoft.
The Ikev2 SA shows connectivity has been established:
Tunnel ID Local Remote Status
835 213.125.252.xx/500 52.166.94.xx/500 EST
I have created the config but I get errors on the Ikev2 ST :
No proposal chosen: 1151
When inspecting the logfiles I see three errors:
GobyRouter954 IKEV2/7/ERROR: vrf = 0, src=213.125.252.xx, dst = 52.166.94.xx/500 Construct CERTREQ payload failed.
Some time later:
GobyRouter954 IKEV2/7/ERROR: vrf = 0, src=213.125.252.xx, dst = 52.166.94.xx/500 match proposal failed.
GobyRouter954 IKEV2/7/ERROR: vrf = 0, src=213.125.252.xx, dst = 52.166.94.xx/500 Failed to parse payloads about Child SA.
And then this:
GobyRouter954 IKEV2/7/FSM: vrf = 0, src=213.125.252.xx, dst = 52.166.94.xx/500 (Tunnel ID 241): Deleting negotiation context.
As far as i can see the config is exactly the same as the one for the Cisco.
I can't find these error's in the HP documentation and I kind of stuck. Can anybody give me a qlue where I must look to solve this?
Help is much appriciated.