Testing latest 10.11.xx.xx version with EVE-NG aswell pnetlab and having the same issues John described. After the first ping from a vPC the gracious arp packages are looped. When not using vPCs but connect switches in a ring-topology i don't had this issue.
Marcel Koedijk | MVP Expert 2022 | ACEP | ACMP | ACCP | ACDP | Ekahau ECSE | Not an HPE Employee | Opinions are my own
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 22, 2023 02:39 AM
From: ArneO
Subject: STP problem
Hi ariyap
I jumped right to testing. And I'm running my test in EVE-NG Pro with 3 devices on 10.10.1000.
Spanning tree is still broken when I'm testing. The problem is packets are transmitted out on interfaces in blocking state.
Are you sure you have a loop free topology and packets are discarded out on interfaces in blocking?
Which hypervisor are you using?
Arne Opdal
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 21, 2023 12:26 AM
From: ariyap
Subject: STP problem
I don't see this issue, i am using simulator version 10_10_1000
If my post was useful accept solution and/or give kudos.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 24, 2023 06:00 PM
From: Vince00
Subject: STP problem
Is this still a limitation of the simulator or plan to work as expected at some point? Using latest 10.11 image for cx switch and can't pass normal traffic as expected.
Original Message:
Sent: May 12, 2021 07:55 PM
From: justinnoonan
Subject: STP problem
HI John,
I'm seeing what could be similar behavior from the VPCS. We'll investigate and see where the issue is.
Justin Noonan
Original Message:
Sent: May 11, 2021 12:14 PM
From: John Schaap
Subject: STP problem
Hi Vincent,
Yes, I have looked at that guide and configured everything the same but no matter which STP I use it always fails when you start to ping from VPC1 to VPC2. I have use RPVST and MSTP but no difference. As I wrote when I started this thread, it works fine with a stable tree as long as you do not produce any packets on the VPC's. I do suspect something strange with the OVA's and wonder if the person that wrote the RPVST guide has send traffic from the VPC.
CX1# sh running-config
Current configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX Virtual.10.07.0004
!export-password: default
hostname CX1
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapU+lm+w5Mb7ijhAn7/RfIkwrRStcEZl30JFy8i50u1DRYgAAAKR7alXEKEnp0vlKYd+BIhqpEsc3V7FbhCOFIhBhOi4evIIjhbFeTRpU6ed+vCwOyc75KZ3nxe60x8zpgleQXK9LJkH5SVFyK
led locator on
clock timezone europe/amsterdam
ntp server pool.ntp.org minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst
ntp enable
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1,1111-1112
spanning-tree mode rpvst
spanning-tree vlan 1111,1112
spanning-tree vlan 1111 priority 1
spanning-tree vlan 1112 priority 1
interface mgmt
no shutdown
ip dhcp
interface 1/1/1
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/2
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
https-server vrf mgmt
CX2# sh running-config
Current configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX Virtual.10.07.0004
!export-password: default
hostname CX2
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapWRTU6S4p5wtMFPOT0L2t4/o3eBjA+ouCv1Derjz6Sd7YgAAAFmbHpyDpNF/QtAe2rW9TDV3VfQE0j1mLUZIwTiSStbOW2RPQH6Pj2UHf//t4CVvqBRaMn55FG96IvU2BGbCE/R51hdycfnSH
led locator on
clock timezone europe/amsterdam
ntp server pool.ntp.org minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst
ntp enable
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1,1111-1112
spanning-tree mode rpvst
spanning-tree vlan 1111,1112
spanning-tree vlan 1111 priority 2
spanning-tree vlan 1112 priority 2
interface mgmt
no shutdown
ip dhcp
interface 1/1/1
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/2
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
https-server vrf mgmt
CX3# sh running-config
Current configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX Virtual.10.07.0004
!export-password: default
hostname CX3
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapQpm5IjdsrWIIZSWk25pSosSy2lcwLJZTlpRvcrl0s2wYgAAAKYpguLVQ2FweNa1j04YDwM9qbLcyNw3/tW7DLn5iJRwOswEjWy79CwlVODkhGN3e/cgTG4fJqJx5KlUn3QhKH/LshGYLqhyi
led locator on
clock timezone europe/amsterdam
ntp server pool.ntp.org minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst
ntp enable
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1,1111-1112
spanning-tree mode rpvst
spanning-tree vlan 1111,1112
interface mgmt
no shutdown
ip dhcp
interface 1/1/1
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/2
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all
interface 1/1/3
no shutdown
no routing
vlan access 1112
spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
https-server vrf mgmt
CX4# sh running-config
Current configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX Virtual.10.07.0004
!export-password: default
hostname CX4
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapS+SSAfY7a5YHxVkSKcN/ZQY45AsdXX4WFY01xX5dg+LYgAAANci0ZaRmLC7FdsfrbmWdDWkbAmNzcY3QbusWKlpEytfZTfcjY976XNXOQivdz4unQValZQG57rJ8/Vr5XhgmJzLs2AG2Pch3
led locator on
clock timezone europe/amsterdam
ntp server pool.ntp.org minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst
ntp enable
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1,1111-1112
spanning-tree mode rpvst
spanning-tree vlan 1111,1112
interface mgmt
no sh