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  • 1.  Unresponsive and laggy SSH to ArubaOS 16.xxx

    Posted Nov 20, 2017 04:27 AM


    I have been using HP switches around 15 years and are now in he prosess of changing out 300 + switches to new Aruba branded units with 16.xx + firmware. 

    In this period I have been hit with several bugs regarding routering and loss of connectivity, they are now resolved. But still I have a bad feeling about the ArubaOS firmware branch. 

    If you ping a unit the repsponse is strange, often high latency when it should't be. And when using SSH your input lags, like you have loss against the unit. I find it unacceptable that a unit with this price tag doesnt handle SSH input properly. When you look at the response of the older provision units they never showed any problemes in this field.

    I have seen the answers that the units doesn't prioritized mangement, but still, one should be able to have proper SSH input and ping responses that doesen't indicate network problems.

    Anyone else ?





  • 2.  RE: Unresponsive and laggy SSH to ArubaOS 16.xxx

    Posted Nov 20, 2017 07:57 AM

    Hi @jonare, are you referring to these two (What is the normal CPU load on HP2920 with the latest Release WB.16.01.007 and High ping response times on stacked 2920s with firmware 16.01.0004) Aruba 2920 biased threads?

    You're saying 16.xx but, actually ArubaOS-Switch reached 16.04 (from 16.02)...so, with that regards, isn't really anything changed since July/October 2016 with the release of latest ArubaOS-Switch 16.04 branch's software versions?

  • 3.  RE: Unresponsive and laggy SSH to ArubaOS 16.xxx

    Posted Nov 20, 2017 08:10 AM

    I havent really bother to analyze exactly which firmware has which problem and so on. But im now experiencing the laggy SSH behaviour on YA.16.04.0009 (modell 2530).. When using SSH on a switch, the session suddenly starts lagging. 

    I dont see this on Provision units, Cisco units, Aruba Wireless or anywhere else.

  • 4.  RE: Unresponsive and laggy SSH to ArubaOS 16.xxx

    Posted Nov 21, 2017 12:40 PM

    Well, if the issue you're experiencing spans over so many different ArubaOS-Switch operating system driven Switches (all running latest ArubaOS-Switch 16.x software versions, up to latest released in each involved branch)...for sure Aruba/HPE will be able to help you in recognizing, diagnosing and fixing the problem.

    For what is worth, ArubaOS-Switch operating system has its heritage on HP ProVision operating system so the fact you're experiencing an issue which never appeared on older HP ProVision software versions (considering the same exact Switches) means only that the impacted platforms are currently only those running latest OS implementations which embedding latest features (and not the oldest where features were less).

    Cisco (IOS) and Aruba Wireless (ArubaOS), being completely different embedded operating systems used by completely different hardware appliances, can't be used for a direct like-for-like comparison as you correctly did with HP ProVision OS versus HPE ArubaOS-Switch OS.

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