Wireless Access

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  • 1.  WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 08:18 AM

    I'm working on WiFi design for an old sporting stadium (15,000 seats), besides it is used for music concerts and videogames events.


    I'm compiling information about WiFi design with very high density environments:

    - https://vimeo.com/89430966

    - https://vimeo.com/50332022

    - https://vimeo.com/118981203

    - https://vimeo.com/141241754

    - http://www.ruckuswireless.com/carriers/designing-high-density-stadiums-and-arenas

    - http://www.arubanetworks.com/pdf/solutions/SB_Stadium.pdf

    - https://www.cwnp.com/uploads/mike_leibovitz_stadium-wi-fi-deployment_new.pdf

    - http://www.arubanetworks.com/assets/vrd/Aruba_VHD_VRD_Scenario2_Large_Indoor_Arena.pdf

    - http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Technology-Blog/Indoor-Arena-Design-Survey-Part-1-The-Bowl/ba-p/256450 (thanks )

    - https://www.cisco.com/web/PH/ciscoconnect/pdf/mobility/mark_jastia_ciscoconnectphmajastia.pdf


    I'll use diffent methods for lower seats and upper seats:

    - Lower: under seating section: AP-324 with 60ºx60º beamwidth antennas (2 x D607).

    - Upper: from the catwalk point to the seats: AP-324 with 30ºx30º beamwidth antennas (2314 + 5314)


    These antennas (D607, 2314, and 5314) are compatible with the AP-324?




  • 2.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 10:22 AM

    Hi Leandro,


    Aruba has a new 60º antenna for the 32x series APs, the AP-ANT-48. Here's the datasheet.

    http://www.arubanetworks.com/assets/ds/DS_AP-ANT-48.pdf. You would only need one AP-ANT-48 per AP-324.


    For 30º antennas the x314 series are the correct choice. 


    I am curious about how you intend to mount the 60º antennas in the lower seating, were you mounting them under the concrete or to the riser / direclty under the seats?



  • 3.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 11:47 AM

    Thank you Markus, I will consider the AP-ANT-48 antenna as my 60º choice per AP-324, its radiation pattern looks like much better than the D607 pattern.


    I think if antennas is mounted under the seats, people will break or steal them, this is why I want to mount under the concrete, but I have to do test before to take a decision.


    The arena is the other problem because is used for bullfighting events, car exhibitions, music concerts... and is necesary to get good WiFi performance and a rude installation (I'm evaluating solutions like OBERON NEMA-4 enclosures mounted on the bullring wall).


    Sure I'm going to ask here more questions and doubts, thanks for all answers.

  • 4.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 04:29 PM



    You will find that 5Ghz will have trouble penetrating the concrete. For a 15k seat arena you would likely be best served by using all overhead coverage with the 30 degree antennas as long as you can keep the antennas no further than ~30m away from the seats and have clear line of site. If you don't have clear LoS then I would recommend looking at mounting AP-325 in enclosures under the seats.

  • 5.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Jan 25, 2016 09:53 AM

    I'm making a cheap tool for 30º beam footprint estimate on the seats.


    I'll tell you my experience.



  • 6.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Feb 13, 2016 02:08 AM

    Built this awhile ago and have only used it once so far.  Straps to the 5314 and use laser pointer to point to the center seat in your target seating section.  Have verified accuracy to 2"/100' (use drill press to make hole for pointer), more than adaquate for quickly aiming your antennas.  Note, after aiming 5314, very simple to point 2314 in the same direction.

    Hint, place 8x11 sheets of paper on your target seats ahead of time.  

    I like spending as little time as possible on catwalks and sky buckets ;)






  • 7.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Feb 03, 2020 06:33 PM

    Sorry for opening old thread. What do you think about using horn type antennas (like RF Elements https://rfelements.com/products/antennas/#horns)? From my point of view it looks optimal as there are many options (30-90° beamwidth) and almost side lobes which is good for spatial isolation and spectrum reuse. 

  • 8.  RE: WiFi Design - Old Sport Arena (15,000 seats): Best AP's and Antenna selection

    Posted Jan 19, 2016 10:39 AM

    Here is another bit of info for your collection. Courtesy of @Matt Frederick




    Keep us posted on the design / implementation. It sounds like you have a good grasp on the design.