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Hello, I am trying to configure an HP switch (HP-2920-48G-POEP) via OpenFlow 1.3 using the HPE VAN SDN Controller. What I'd like to do is add a flow that mirrors all traffic through a single port and then processes it normally. It seems to me that what I'd like to do is add a flow that...
Hi there, we would like to implement a simple DHCP server module in our controller (v2.7.18). Since DHCP is not part of OpenFlow protocol, we have to inspect the payload to get the relevant data to form DHCP offer/ack messages. Here's the workflow we are following: 1. Create a rule that...
OK, I worked it out. To add or remove a drop action for specific IP or IP range> curl --header "X-Auth-Token:$AUTH TOKEN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -ksS --url "https://$CONTROLER IP:8443/sdn/v2.0/of/datapaths/$SW DPID/flows" -d "(\"flow\": (\"priority\": 20100,\"table id...
I have a use case where I want to measure the RX and TX rate over each physical link over a short time period, to determine the remaining capacity on the link. The REST API /sdn/v2.0/of/stats/ports command gives me rx bytes and tx bytes, but the measurement seems to be over a long...
Shaun, Thanks for the reply. I increased the ARP age to 60 mins. But I think there is still a fundamnetal issue. If i pre-configure a layer 1 or 2 path through the network and then start traffic, the nodes are never discovered by the node controller. The node controller...
New user of HP VAN SDN controller running version on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS with test SDN consisting of two HP 3800 switches with 2 Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS servers connected as nodes. When I send traffic between the 2 nodes (e.g.. ping or iperf), the nodes initially appear on the VAN...