
Vote for your favorite ideas!

By alc posted Feb 04, 2013 03:35 PM


Have you checked out the Ideas section of our community recently? From product features to training and certification, if you have an idea for us, we’d love to hear from you! We’ve been seeing some really interesting ideas from our community members over the past year, and we would like to invite everyone to take a look at these existing ideas and vote for your favorites.  Voting for a smart idea will help it get the attention it deserves, and it will help us prioritize these ideas for potential implementation. Your vote is a critical part of the ideas platform, and we need your vote!


top ideas.png


To vote for an idea, simply click on the “vote up” button to increase its Kudos count.  Want to know who else voted on the same idea? Click on the number of Kudos above the vote up button, and you will see a list of users who’ve voted for the post. Have additional feedback or questions for the idea author? Use the comments field below the idea to start a discussion or simply provide words of encouragement.




You can only vote once per each Ideas post, but every vote counts!  Remember, you can only access the Ideas section if you are logged into the community. If you haven’t registered for an Airheads Social account yet, why not take a moment to sign up and vote for your favorite community generated Ideas!


Again, thank you for your participation in our community Ideas platform. Your voice is being heard, and we look forward to helping you make your idea a reality.