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Articles relating to existing and legacy HPE Aruba Networking products and solutions including IAP, Central / HPE Aruba Networking Central, MSR, and Outdoor Mesh

How to troubleshoot IAP Mesh related issues? 

Jul 16, 2014 12:31 PM

IAP Mesh helps quickly setup mesh network between two IAPs. If there are issues in the link or getting the mesh link up, below commands need to be run and checked.


This article is valid for IAP mesh setup in any code version.



Network Topology : Switch======IAP Mesh Portal ==========IAP Mesh Point========Switch.


Ensure that you have Eth0 bridging enabled on the Mesh Point.


Commands to Run to troubleshoot IAP Mesh issues are:

show ap mesh link

show ap mesh neighbours

show ap mesh counters

show aps

show datapath session

show datapath bridge



To check if the mesh link has been formed:

1) Abilash-lab# show ap mesh link

Neighbor list
MAC                Portal             Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation    Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details       Cluster ID
---                ------             -------  ---  ----  ----  --------    -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------       ----------
6c:f3:7f:c0:b5:11  6c:f3:7f:c0:b4:d0  40+      0    1     7.00  C 6h:4m:7s  HLK    76    6/135       1      1       0       HT-40MHzsgi-3ss  8071044095124fd7a54e5db8468a3b1

Total count: 1, Children: 1
Relation: P = Parent; C = Child; N = Neighbor; B = Blacklisted-neighbor
Flags: R = Recovery-mode; S = Sub-threshold link; D = Reselection backoff; F = Auth-failure; H = High Throughput; L = Legacy allowed
        K = Connected; U = Upgrading; G = Descendant-upgrading; Z = Config pending; Y = Assoc-resp/Auth pending
        a = SAE Accepted; b = SAE Blacklisted-neighbour; e = SAE Enabled; u = portal-unreachable; o = opensystem

This would let us know information about the IAP Mesh link, portal and point into, cost of the link, number of hops, RSSI, Cluster ID etc.

2) Abilash-lab# show ap mesh neighbours

Neighbor list
MAC                Portal             Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation     Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details       Cluster ID
---                ------             -------  ---  ----  ----  --------     -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------       ----------
6c:f3:7f:c0:b5:11  6c:f3:7f:c0:b4:d0  40+      0    1     7.00  C 6h:5m:43s  HLK    75    6/6         1      1       0       HT-40MHzsgi-3ss  8071044095124fd7a54e5db8468a3b1
6c:f3:7f:c4:2c:e8  Yes                48-      21   0     7.00  N 21s        HLK    39    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  2d44cde54ce3f58270c261ccad485f4
6c:f3:7f:4a:43:10  Yes                44+      30   0     3.00  N 30s        HLK    54    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-3ss  947eaa239623c308e8ab6d483d4f766
6c:f3:7f:4a:4a:70  Yes                44-      30   0     3.00  N 1m:23s     HLK    49    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-3ss  947eaa239623c308e8ab6d483d4f766
6c:f3:7f:8e:6d:78  Yes                48-      7    0     7.00  N 21s        HLK    31    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:44:1d:a8  Yes                44+      30   0     7.00  N 1m:0s      HLK    50    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:43:ae:58  Yes                44+      30   0     7.00  N 1m:0s      HLK    42    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:43:cf:88  Yes                40-      0    0     7.00  N 11m:52s    HLK    32    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:4a:53:70  Yes                40-      0    0     3.00  N 11m:52s    HLK    42    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-3ss  947eaa239623c308e8ab6d483d4f766
6c:f3:7f:43:c9:c8  Yes                40-      0    0     7.00  N 11m:53s    HLK    27    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:8e:8b:38  Yes                40-      0    0     7.00  N 35s        HLK    33    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff
6c:f3:7f:44:24:98  Yes                48-      7    0     7.00  N 21s        HLK    40    -           0      0       0       HT-40MHzsgi-2ss  ff0ec6b989f02da5b9869eccfa940ff

Total count: 58, Children: 1
Relation: P = Parent; C = Child; N = Neighbor; B = Blacklisted-neighbor
Flags: R = Recovery-mode; S = Sub-threshold link; D = Reselection backoff; F = Auth-failure; H = High Throughput; L = Legacy allowed
        K = Connected; U = Upgrading; G = Descendant-upgrading; Z = Config pending; Y = Assoc-resp/Auth pending
        a = SAE Accepted; b = SAE Blacklisted-neighbour; e = SAE Enabled; u = portal-unreachable; o = opensystem

This command shows the list of Mesh neighbors seen by the AP. It provides all information similar to mesh link command but provides information about non-child also.

3) Abilash-lab# show ap mesh counters

Mesh Packet Counters
Interface  Echo Sent  Echo Recv  Probe Req  Probe Resp  Assoc Req  Assoc Resp  Assoc Fail  Link up/down  Resel.  Switch  Other Mgmt
---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------  ----------
Parent     22097      21906      3          2(2 HT)     1(1 HT)    1(1 HT)     0           0             -       -       0

Received Packet Statistics: Total 6582769, Mgmt 6538785 (dropped non-mesh 0), Data 43984 (dropped unassociated 0)HT: pns=2 ans=1 pnr=0 ars=0 arr=1 anr=0

Recovery Profile Usage Counters
Item                         Value
----                         -----
Enter recovery mode          0
Exit recovery mode           0
Total connections to switch  0

Mesh loop-prevention Sequence No.:22099

Mesh timer ticks:22098

This command provides information about the Mesh sequence number, echo messages sent and received between the Portal and point and recovery mode was ever used.

4) Abilash-lab# show aps

AP List
Name               IP Address    Mode    Spectrum  Clients  Type  Mesh Role  2.4 Channel  2.4 Power (dB)  2.4 Utilization (%)  2.4 Noise Floor (dBm)  5.0 Channel  5.0 Power (dB)  5.0 Utilization (%)  5.0 Noise Floor (dBm)  Need Antenna Config  From Port  Config Id
----               ----------    ----    --------  -------  ----  ---------  -----------  --------------  -------------------  ---------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ---------  ---------
Abilash-lab  access  disable   0        135   Portal     11           21              96(poor)             -88(good)              40-          22              19(good)             -89(good)              No                   none       6
6c:f3:7f:c4:0b:50  access  disable   0        135   Point      1            18              94(poor)             -89(good)              40-          22              20(good)             -93(good)              No                   none       6
Flat Slave AP Count:1
Hierarchy Slave AP Count:0

This command provides information about IAPs in the swarm. All IAPs are by default portals. IAP configured with Eth0 bridging come up as Point.


Further Troubleshooting after link establishment can be done through the below commands:

1) Abilash-lab# show datapath session
Datapath Session Table Entries


Flags: F - fast age, S - src NAT, N - dest NAT
       D - deny, R - redirect, Y - no syn
       H - high prio, P - set prio, T - set ToS
       C - client, M - mirror, V - VOIP
       I - Deep inspect, U - Locally destined
       s - media signal, m - media mon, a - rtp analysis
RAP Flags: 0 - Q0, 1 - Q1, 2 - Q2

  Source IP     Destination IP  Prot SPort DPort  Cntr Prio  ToS Age Destination   TAge Flags
--------------  --------------  ---- ----- -----  ---- ----  --- --- -----------   ---- -----    6    57710 4343      0    0    0   0   dev4        1f   FC
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:4C               0806                 0    0    0   1   local       6f   F   6    22    57576     0    0    0   0   dev4        11ca    17   8211  8211      0    0    0   0   dev12       bf20 F <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    17   8211  8211      0    0    0   0   dev12       bf20 FC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   6    4343  57710     0    0    0   1   dev4        1f   F    6    57576 22        0    0    0   0   dev4        11ca C

Portal and Point speak to each other through 8211 traffic.

2) Abilash-lab# show datapath bridge
Datapath Bridge Devices
Flags: F - source-filter, T - trusted, Q - tagged, I - IP
       S - split-tunnel, B - bridge, M - mesh, P - PPPoE
       C - content-filter, O - corp-access, h - to HAP, f - to FAP
       h - dhcp-redirect

Dev  Name                      VLANs  PVID   ACLs   FramesRx  FramesTx  Flags
---  ------------------------  -----  ----  ------  --------  --------  --------
3    eth1                      6      1     142/0          0     60555  FQB
4    bond0                     4095   1       0/0      54143     16756  FTQB
9    br0                       0      1     105/0      24693         0  IB
12   aruba000                  4095   1       0/0      38723     80430  TQBM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
13   aruba102                  1      3333  131/0          0         0  B

Datapath Bridge Table Entries
Flags: P - Permanent, D - Deny, R - Route, M - Mobile, X - Xsec, A - Auth
AP Flags: X - Awaiting 1X reply, B - Block all non-1X traffic, F - Force bridge role

      MAC          VLAN  Assigned VLAN  Destination  Flags  AP Flags  Bridge Role ACL
-----------------  ----  -------------  -----------  -----  --------  ---------------
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:4C  3333  3333           local        P                              0
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:50  1     1              dev12                                       0
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:4C  1     1              local        P                              0
3C:97:0E:86:1F:4F  164   164            dev4                                        0
00:0B:86:6A:B2:40  164   164            vlan 164                                    0
00:0B:86:6A:B2:4C  164   164            dev4                                        0
00:0B:86:6E:87:EC  1     1              dev4                                        0
00:1A:1E:21:B7:F2  1     1              dev12                                       0
00:0B:86:6E:87:EF  10    10             dev4                                        0
00:0B:86:6E:87:EC  100   100            dev4                                        0
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:5E  100   100            dev4                                        0
6C:F3:7F:C4:0B:5C  100   100            dev12                                       0
00:0B:86:6E:87:EC  164   164            dev4                                        0
00:1A:1E:21:B7:B0  164   164            dev4                                        0
00:1A:1E:21:B7:F0  164   164            dev12                                       0

Datapath bridge table shows information about VLANs allowed in a mesh link and the Native Vlan.

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