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Hello, is it possible to setup an external captive portal based WLAN for a micro branch AP that terminates its tunnel via CL2 ...
That's right EdgeHA is not suitable for ECMP deployment and thus should never have asymmetric routing present. EdgeHA is design ...
EdgeHA (the setup where you have an HA cable and it shows up as HA in the Orchestrator) doesn't need flow redirection active. ...
Hi, Do I need to configure/enable 'flow redirection' in an Edgeconnect HA deployment to avoid asymmetric routing? or is it only ...
There is no way to clear DHCP leases from the per interface DHCP server. This feature as well as other DHCP server features are ...
Thank you guys. I will ask support if there is a way to clear actual individual entries, Cheers, //Anibal
On the EdgeConnect CLI you can renew the DHCP leases on an interface. You need to be in configuration mode then type the below ...
Jan-Willem Thank you – will have a look at it. If we have results – we shall update this thread. B ...
This is an EdgeConnect appliance. Commands you tried [and were pointed to] are for ArubaOS gateways, which is a different device. ...
Have a look at this document. It is for a CSR and a bit dated but could get you started. No guarantees given or implied.
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