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Our Network has 3 Vlans. Vlan 1 - Corp Wired Vlan 101 - Corp Wirless Vlan 32 - Guest Wireless Our DHCP server (VM) sits on Vlan 1. Our edge router (5406 or 5412) has IP routing enabled so inter vlan communication is enabled. I would...
Hi, On my 1920s I configured 2 untagged vLans (1,2) I need a device on vLan 2 (switch port 21) to be able to communicate with a printer I have on vLan 1 (switch port 4) I tried to configure an ACL usign Web UI (QoS -> Access Control Lists) without success. Could you explain how to do...
I have a MSR 1003-8 that is routing between a public IP on the WAN ethernet 0/0 (e.g. and a public IP range on the LAN ports (e.g. - different subnets. I have traffic going in and out ok. I would like to block all traffic coming in and then to open one incoming...
I've gone through the command references for multiple versions of WB.16.x, and there's no mention of this not being supported. Yet on my 2920Gs: On a VLAN - can only do an ip access-group xyz vlan-in On an interface - can only do an ip access-group xyz in No out availabe. I've tried WB...
Hello I have an aruba 2930F switch where I have created 3 vlan I want vlan 2 and vlan 3 to have full input and output communication with these vlan 1 addresses ( and #2930F #Aruba #ACL