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Long post but it is a long process to work through. Thank you for your reply - yes we are thinking along the same lines - we are trying a clean/blank start - this morning we XMODEM transferred v30 (using HyperTerminal) via serial console cable overwriting primary flash - after an hour...
I am trying access the MSM415 through hyper terminal with no success. I used the correct hyperterminal settings as follows: Bits per second: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: None But am still cannot access the sensor. Kindly advise... ...
I used the web interface to upload new firmware. The switch rebooted now I cannot even connect my console cabel( Which I personally have never done on this switch). I attempted to factory reset but I do not think it took... What can I do? This is in a lab evnvironment but I need to get to it......