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I am trying to upgrade IMC from E605 to E703. I receved an upgrade has failed please review dmslog. DMSlog has shows this error 2021-10-26 12:26:33 [INFO ] [ActiveMQ Session Task-2] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.SlaveMessageHandler::onMessage(1241)] slave receive message: src=Slave ALL; type=QUERY...
Hello, I'm currently upgrade our IMC plateform from 7.1 to 7.3 version. I'm also changing the server to a new windows server 2019. when I applied the licences I got this message: Error Code:50904 Error Description:License file do not match system hardware information. How can I get new...
Hello all. I am currently running older version of IMC and trying to get them upgraded to a later version. In reading release notes, I found out that I will need to migrated to a nwq SQL server as we are currently on SQL 2008. I am on 7.3 E0605 currently. From this post
Hello, we are noticing that a specific alarm of a specific device, every time the event occour, the acknowledge field always reports the name of a specific user. The fact is that that user didn't aknowledged the alarms because he was not working in that time! What can be the cause of this...
Dears, Using iMC or downloading from the HP download center, all Firmwares come in .ZIP format. Inside the .bin have 2 files which are a "freeradius" and a "packet-capture". files. Which one should I choose? Because the old files are not like this and seem. Problem also is that I can't...