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Hello, I am doing automatic backups from a script on Linux server (SCP) that emulate CLI to the MCR & MD. Script run from CRON You can try to adapt it for saving to USB as the script is simple Regards Christian Chautems
One note that might be a given for some, put the usb drive in and reboot the controller so it mounts the usb. I couldn't find a way to mount the usb with the controller up and inserting the usb. It auto mounted it with the usb installed and then rebooting the controller.
Is the port for the IP-TV setup as tunnel or bridge? If it's tunnel, the traffic is sent all the way to the controller. When it's bridged, the traffic is as if the RAP is transparent and it gets dumped locally to the switch. -- Michael Haring --
Is the enet2 port configured as tunnel or bridge? -- Michael Haring --
Hi anyone can help me to configure VLAN bridge to AP-303H eth2 from switch i will explain my situation I have WLC MM with AP-303h . I have to connect my IP-Phone to AP eth2 but the VLAN should be bridge from Switch. As of now the VLAN taken through WLC for IP-Phone , i don't want this...
HI Anyone can help me to do the recommended configuration for IP-TV system to work with AP-303H.I just created IP-TV Vlan and wired AP profile in WLC then attached to eth2 profile. now the port is under IP-TV VLAN ( its getting IP for TV NW ) . But my TV is not work Well , its getting stuck...
Hello Are there any particular gotchas with upgrading a Dell Power Connect 7210 controller with an Aruba code image? The customer has already migrated their support from Dell to Aruba: Is there any special code/firmware (FPGA?) prep required to make the controller "Aruba compatible"...